Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hello all my comforting people,

It is official, I have been rejected. I received the letter today, and I have been questioning whether or not to share my feelings with you. Since I have declared my blog representing my life as well as my crafts, and I have shared up to this point. So here is me in my life, right now in this moment of rejection.
    I was not enough; good enough, qualified enough, passionate enough, whatever enough. I have failed. I have failed to meet the standards and expectations of others as well as myself. My heart is broken and my stomach hurts. I am sad. I need a moment to myself. I need a moment with someone who will just listen and understand. I need a good cry before I can pick myself up and move forward.
   I am afraid of forward. What does that even mean? Forward. It is moving to plan B, the back-up idea. The thing that will allow me to continue on the path I have set for myself. Do I want to continue on that path? yes. no. maybe. yes.
    Yes. It is just hard right now. Especially since plan B is less than perfect and plan C is difficult to pin down. I know there will be a lot of other moments. Some may actually break me for a time. This one has been more difficult than expected, of course you never know how you are going to react to something until it happens. I will be okay. We will see how plan B works (plan C has to do with crafts, but you are not allowed to root for that one)
It is not a perfect post. There are a lot of ideas and thoughts I wanted to add. But I am done writing now and, honestly, I do not have the energy to say anything else.
Thanks for listening,
XO Lue Lue Ellabee

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