Saturday, June 28, 2014

pot pie :-D

Well it is Saturday morning and daddy has taken kiddos on the most exciting adventure of getting the car's oil changed. So I am using these few minuets of quiet to show you what we did for dinner last night.

I had made a promise of chicken pot pie and as I was getting everything ready I realized we were out of Bisquick. My usual is the biscuit topped pie rather than making a pie crust. Well, 5pm was to late to pack up the kids and drive to the store. I quickly realized making pie crust would be faster. That is when inspiration struck, well....that is when my daughter asked if her pie could be in this:
Yes, I have heart shaped corning ware. Two to be precise. I got them years ago when my love and I were first married. The children discovered them a few weeks ago and have been using them as cereal bowls.
But it gets better because I have this:
Why yes, that is a pocket pastry maker thingy (I love stuff like this, I am absolutely one of those moms that uses cookie cutters on her kids pbjs).

And this is the final product:
I don't think a picture of food has ever made me so happy =D.
Of course, daddy and I didn't have anything quiet so exciting:
This may become a regular thing.

till next time
XO Lue Lue Elabee

day 3

Hello all my lovely people,
Yesterday I was attempting to attach the skirt to the bodice. The skirt needed to be gathered and I thought I would be clever by using my special gathering foot to sew the skirt to the bodice while gathering. 
Easy right? This was the result:

I am not sure if you can tell but the gather is uneven at best, and at worst there are spots where the pieces are not attached. So I spent the morning painstakingly ripping out the seems. The whole time I felt like the fabric was falling apart in my hands. When I was done I gathered the skirt the old fashion way, running a loose basting stitch through the top and pulling one of the threads on either side to gather the material. I then VERY carefully pinned it to the bodice and stitched it three times (I'll be darned if this thing comes apart). My lady was kind enough to model it for us while I was seeing what alterations I needed to make.

I am quite pleased so far. Now to put in the zipper, sew up the back, stitch the lining to the skirt and make the over skirt. At least there is progress. 
Now to go to the park, run the kiddos and knit. 
ta ta for now
XO  Lue Lue Elabee

Thursday, June 26, 2014

day 2

Hello again,
I was awoken at 6:30 this morning by my children fighting over the bathroom, you would think they were 16 and 13 not 6 and 3. I suppose it is a glimpse into my future. I guess it is better to be well informed than surprised.
On to less stressful things. I got some work done on the dress yesterday. The top and lining are sewn together,

I double stitched the inside seam because these fabrics tend to fray.

The skirt panels and lining are stitched. I know, I didn't do my fussy cutting quite right and now the ombre is off. I am hoping the gather in the skirt will hide that.

I figured now was a good time to try my hand at a french seam, they are pretty easy as long as you don't need to be exact.

I am on my last set of repeats on the shawl (although you probably would not be able to tell the difference in a picture) after 4 more rows I start the lace border =D. I am very excited.

tata for now
Lue Lue Elabee

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 1

Hello big wide world. I am Lue Lue Elabee.
I am a 30 something mother of 2. I love to knit, sew, and quilt. I am also learning to spin and dye my own yarn. Toss in some cross stitch and embroidery and you can see where I am going here.
Right now I have two projects that are pressing. This summer I am headed to a wedding in Poland. My daughter is in the wedding and I have gotten it in my head to make her dress. It needs to be done by July 10th.
This is how far I am

It is a blue ombre satin, and that pile of fluff I am planing on being the over skirt. Lets see how it turns out.

My second project is quite a bit further along. It is lace shawl for the bride. I changed the pattern a bit to make it bigger.
It may end up a little too big. But as far as my first real lace project (you know with lace yarn and tiny needles) I think it is going well. This also needs to be done by July 10th.
okay to work
XO Lue Lue Elabee