Before I update you on the progress of my projects, I would like to say a few words about persimmons.
You see these? These are persimmons, not tomatoes. To be more specific, these are fuyu persimmons (the best kind!). And they came from our tree.

Our super happy, very well established tree.
When love and I moved to this house 6 years ago, we had no idea what a persimmon was, let alone what to do with them. Our first fall I received a lovely surprise when all of the fruit ripened, I literally had buckets of persimmons, and I was scrambling trying to figure out what to do with them. Now, for the most part, we give them away; to friends, family, random people on the street. Most years we have given away around 4 grocery bags full. This year we have already given away 5 and the tree does not look any different.
The small percentage that we keep usually ends up being canned for use in recipes later on. Yesterday I took 20 persimmons cored them; peeled them; chopped them; added some lemon juice, water, and cinnamon;
cooked it until everything was nice and mushy; then pureed and canned them. It made 11 cups of persimmon mash. I have plans to do another batch today.Here is hoping we can find enough people to share these with.
On the UFO front. I am almost done binding the quilt, today is the third day of trying to get together enough time to work on it.

And, the scarf for my dad is coming along okay. I have figured out that if I knit between 20 and 40 rows a day (that is 40-80 minutes of knitting time) I can finish it before Thanksgiving (Nov. 27th). Then I can start on the stuff for my sister and her family (I might just give the kids gift cards).

Well, thanks for checking in. I hope your holiday projects are doing better than mine
XO Lue Lue Ellabee
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