Hello all my brilliant people,
I would like to show you my "new" sewing desk (a neighbor is moving and gave it to me for free :D).
Unfortunately, it has been usurped by my study materials. For the last couple of weeks I have been re-acquainting myself with algebra, geometry, statistics, biology, ecology, meteorology, pretty much all of the ologys that are taught from kindergarten through eighth grade here in the US. There is something uniquely disheartening about believing you have a pretty good grasp of a subject, only to review it and realize that about 99% of it is no where in your brain. I mean not even a shadow of a memory of learning this stuff. Fortunately, I was smart enough to order a some 6-8th grade workbooks that cover most of this stuff (they are designed for kids that are home schooled). If nothing else I have the math and most of biology down. The exam is Tuesday. Wish me luck.
Back to the desk, although it is not currently being used for sewing, I can tell you it is way better than the old folding table I had my machine on. For one, it doesn't shake when I try to sew really fast. Second, it is a little wider and about half as deep, making my work space more effective. And before my study materials took over I was able to finish putting the binding on my quilt:
I think it turned out perfect. Now to find the time to tie it.
On the knitting front, here is the scarf. I have not worked on it as much as I would like. And, to be honest, I am already getting tired of it. I think it is because there is a deadline and that always puts me off of projects.
Finally, I have my next quilt all lined up:

Thanks for checking in,
XO Lue Lue Ellabee
p.s. As far as the spinning wheel, it has been hard but I have managed to stay strong and only taken it out of the box twice to look at it. And, maybe push on the peddles.
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