First: Happy turkey day, a few days late, to all of my fellow Americans. I am currently visiting my family in the mid-west. I come from a large family, I am the seventh of eight children. Five of my siblings and their families (this includes all 19 of my nieces and nephews) rained down on my parents' house on Thursday. They still live in the house I grew up in, this means plenty of space for grand kids to run around.
I can not tell how happy this makes me. I love my family!
Second: I have calmed down and taken things into perspective since my last post. I have come to terms with the fact that I may need to take the math and science section over. Of course, it helped that I found out my score on the literature and history section. Which I PASSED!! And I didn't just pass, I passed with flying colors! Which makes me feel more confident about the whole thing.
Third: I have moved my next exam back two weeks in order to have time to focus on my personal statement and my statement of purpose. Both need to be done by Tuesday so that I will be able to submit my application on Wednesday. They only need to be about two pages single space. I have them both written up and, after a couple more revisions, should be ready to go. I have a really good feeling about both essays, and I am starting to feel like this whole plan may actually work :D.
Finally, I have come to the conclusion that mostly what my little boy needs is some help understanding that preschool and home have some very different rules. I am hoping that coming to class to help keep him in-line, will go a long way in his understand appropriate behavior in a school setting.
Of course I cannot leave off with out updating you on my UFOs. The quilt is still waiting to be tied, so no pictures of that. I have most of one sleeve done on the sweater:
I have added a couple of feet to the scarf, it is now longer than I am tall.
And I made my self a little something for the cold weather. I love fingerless mits! And I will give you the pattern as soon as I get home.
That is all for now.
Thanks for checking in,
XO Lue Lue Ellabee