Hello my loves,
Happy Holidays for those of you who celebrate this time of year. And for those of you who don't, I hope life is treating you well and your projects are behaving.
I know it has been a while, 16 days to be exact. So I will start off with my happy news. I took the final section of the CSET last Friday (in case you have forgotten the CSET is one of the entrance exams for Teaching Credential Programs here in California). And I feel really good about it. I also received my score for the Math and Science section Friday evening. I PASSED!!! I honestly thought I had failed and would need to take it again-- I even singed-up to retake it in January, just in case. I must say, it is a wonderful feeling proving myself smarter than I think I am, and now I do not have to study for a while. Plus, even if I did not pass this final section (which I highly doubt, but I always have a back-up plan) I can take more time to study and re-apply to the program I want next year. What I am saying is, that for the moment I no longer feel the huge amount of pressure that comes with exam deadlines.
And on that note I present to you the never-ending scarf:

We are spending Christmas with my in-laws in Utah.
As you can see, they were ready for us when we drove up. We chose to road trip it out here because:
1: We can take a lot more with us, and with all the gifts and snow stuff we needed the room.
2: It is way more flexible than flying and that alone makes it more relaxing.
3: I LOVE road trips. I love how there is so much quantity time you can't help but have some quality time in there. (and since I am not the one driving, there are hours and hours of knitting time.
With all that extra knitting time I finished this:

Well, I must get back to the festivities, and the UFOs I brought for the trip (I have both the quilt and the sweater).
Thanks for checking in,
Lue Lue Ellabee