These last couple of days here in Prague have been full of adventure, history, and learning. Non of us speak even a little Czech, and the English to Czech phrase book is no help because we never seem to pronounce the words correctly. Fortunately, we have managed to get along okay with pointing, nodding, and smiling. And every once and a while we will meet someone who is interested in (or at least okay with) practicing their english on us.
Anyway, here are a few of the things we have been up to:
Saturday afternoon we landed in Prague and made it to our apartment where we met up with my love's sister and her love. We are sharing an amazing 3 bedroom in old town Prague. This is the view from the loft area above the dining room:
There is one problem, it seems to be rampant through out the city. That is spiders, they are every where, and they are big. This is just two of the 7 (that I have seen so far) that have webs directly outside our bedroom windows.
You can't leave your windows open for any length of time because they come in, especially at night. Saturday night, just as I was drifting off to sleep, I opened my eyes to see the silhouette of one of these suckers slowly dropping towards the lower half of my love as he slept. I soon realized I could not take care of the spider with out waking my love, which I did with a "Get up, a spider is about to land on you!". We both jumped up, turned on the lights, and searched until we found the offending spider and squished it. I am all for the 'live and let live' out in the wild, but they come into my house they are getting smooshed. I awoke in the morning to find these in the loft windows:
I was kind of hoping to stick my head out and admire the view. Oh, well, onto better things.Sunday we took a walk across the Charles Bridge on our way to Prague Castle. The views were amazing.
You can even go up inside one of the watch towers. This is a picture of Prague Castle from the top of the tower.
We wondered up the hill to the castle and watched a bit of what we originally thought was the changing of the guard. Once the ceremony hit the 15 minute mark we decided it must be something else because, that elaborate ceremony every day at noon seems a bit ridiculous. Instead of staying for that whole thing we made our way to St. Vitus Cathedral, which is inside the castle.

The castle its self is a sprawling compound made of gardens, houses, and a few palaces. We learned that the Czech government still operates from there. I am sorry I did not get more pictures of the different buildings and the castle wall. But I do have a pretty nice picture from the old town square, back across the Charles bridge and near the astronomical clock (I am planing on going back to that today) :
Yesterday we to the hour long train ride to the town of Kunta Hora to see the Sedlec Ossuary (aka bone church).
There are the remains of up to 70,000 people here, most of them centuries old and stacked in pyramids inside the ossuary. In 1870 a Mr. Rint was hired to organize the bones and he decided to get creative which is why the ossuary has become so popular:

I can't say I am a fan. I went because it seemed all historical and interesting but, I left feeling like a terrible person. I kept thinking about all these poor people who's lives had been forgotten and are now seen as nothing more than part of a morbid tourist attraction. I say rebury the lot and let them be.
Well I am going to end it there.
Thanks for checking in,
XO Lue Lue Ellabee
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