Hello my loves,
Happy Holidays for those of you who celebrate this time of year. And for those of you who don't, I hope life is treating you well and your projects are behaving.
I know it has been a while, 16 days to be exact. So I will start off with my happy news. I took the final section of the CSET last Friday (in case you have forgotten the CSET is one of the entrance exams for Teaching Credential Programs here in California). And I feel really good about it. I also received my score for the Math and Science section Friday evening. I PASSED!!! I honestly thought I had failed and would need to take it again-- I even singed-up to retake it in January, just in case. I must say, it is a wonderful feeling proving myself smarter than I think I am, and now I do not have to study for a while. Plus, even if I did not pass this final section (which I highly doubt, but I always have a back-up plan) I can take more time to study and re-apply to the program I want next year. What I am saying is, that for the moment I no longer feel the huge amount of pressure that comes with exam deadlines.
And on that note I present to you the never-ending scarf:
I managed to finish it last Monday and sent it off to my father for Christmas. I must admit that I cut my initial pattern short do to the fact that I had run out of, not one but three of the colors. Also, Wednesday was the last day I could sent it and have it get to my parents in time. The yarn is Berroco Vintage Chunky knit on size 10 1/2 (U.S. size) needles. There are a total of 7 different colors. It is 8 1/2 feet long without blocking. Now that it is done I love it so much. I wish I could be there when my dad opens it.
We are spending Christmas with my in-laws in Utah.
As you can see, they were ready for us when we drove up. We chose to road trip it out here because:
1: We can take a lot more with us, and with all the gifts and snow stuff we needed the room.
2: It is way more flexible than flying and that alone makes it more relaxing.
3: I LOVE road trips. I love how there is so much quantity time you can't help but have some quality time in there. (and since I am not the one driving, there are hours and hours of knitting time.
With all that extra knitting time I finished this:
It is for one of my sisters, I was hoping to get it off to her for Christmas, but I have not been able to block it. I have decided to block it at home and send it to her for her birthday in a few months. The pattern is The Elder Tree Shawl by Softsweater. I used size 9 needles (U.S.). The yarn is 2 skeins of Fiber Company Road to China Light. It is amazing!
I also managed to make this little scarf with left over yarn from my dad's scarf. It is for one of my nephews. He complimented the befriending scarf and asked if I could make him one in the blue. I was hoping that by combining it with the yellow it would be long enough, but I think I will rip it back and either get another skein of blue or use up all the leftovers from the other one. Fortunately, he is of the temperament that no mater what I make, he will love it. I see a lot more hand knits in his future.Well, I must get back to the festivities, and the UFOs I brought for the trip (I have both the quilt and the sweater).
Thanks for checking in,
Lue Lue Ellabee